Saturday, October 3, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like.....

In my home growing up, my Daddy loved EVERYTHING christmas.  Starting October 1st, it was time to pull out the christmas music!  

Five years ago I watched my Dad's life end to cancer.  The past few years have been extremely difficult as we've encountered each holiday... so hard to move past the emotions from the old memories and traditions and focus on making the holidays warm & inviting for my own family.  So, this year I determined to put my best foot forward and start the holiday out right.  And God....well, He always knows what we need.....

I woke up Thursday morning to dark, rain and feeling extremely rushed.  I had grabbed all the christmas music to take the kids and "surprise" them with christmas songs in the car.  My sweet Jonah walked into the living room, dressed for school and started singing "Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly....".  

"Mama...did you hear me.....its October 1st and I'm singing christmas!"

My eyes welled up with tears....we hadn't talked about this in weeks and his sweet singing made me remember the reason I wanted to get those carols out early!

Thank you God, for your daily reminders of your Faithfulness, for the ways you continue to remind me of my Daddy's legacy, for the wonderful childhood memories I have of the holidays, and for the opportunity to start christmas celebrating early with my children!  

"Its beginning to look alot like CHRISTMAS!"......